Monday, April 12, 2010

School Holidays are over! What a relief!!

As much as I like the more relaxed atmosphere in the house during the school holidays, I find them very stressful. This school holidays has been very expensive to say the least.
Stefs need for sensory input really took over. As soon as she was bored in any way, along came trouble. Steve makes apple cider and didnt lock away the juice that he uses. Anyway, 9 litres of apple/pear juice was poured over Stefs bedroom, including the bed. We could cope with that, NORMALLY. Just one problem, our washing machine is not working and awaiting to get fixed. OUCH! Stef also had a great time ripping apart the futon while I was hanging out washing.....foam pieces from one end of the house to the other, mix that with the honey that she also got into and you get a sticky, foamy mess! Add to that the issue we have with toileting right now....and we had to throw out another couch which had been wee-ed on to beyond cleaning. OMG, I don't know how I remain sane let alone the happy go lucky person I usually manage to be.
The boys constantly fought over the computer as well and between my two work places and looking for a new job, I found it all quite overwhelming. I spent the Easter weekend wallowing in my own self pity and catching up on sleep. Then I sat and wrote and wrote and wrote.
I find writing to be my tap into my soul, to find out in my own mind what I am thinking. With all the clutter that is my life, my mind is usually so busy with no time to really think. Its great to take the time to just work out where I am, what my goals are and where I want to change. I write a lot. I find that if I dont take that time, I drift from disaster to disaster, become reactive rather than proactive and never really make any movements forward.
So glad that the kids start back at school....back to normality, back to routine, back to settled behaviours and back to having a Stef too tired to be mischievous!

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