Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Getting Back in Control!

Life is finally starting to get back under control! Anyone who truly knows me knows that I am essentially very lazy, very disorganised and a total scatterbrain at times. It wasnt a huge shock then, to finally get a diagnosis of ADHD for me. It just means I have to use tools to get my life into a form of order which is acceptable to everyone else.
A few years ago, I went to a website called Flylady.....honestly it changed our lives completely. Our house went from a total tip to pretty respectable over the course of a couple of weeks. Well, I revisited the site last week....and OMG, it has changed our lives again. Its probably what "normal" non Side-tracked Home Executives do...I just need someone to organise me because I dont do it well on my own. Anyway, the result is the same. The house is looking reasonable at least company ready (no more apologies at the door for a messy house, no more not inviting someone in because of embarrassment), the kids are less stressed in the mornings because I am more organised...and who else has 3 loads of washing on the line by 9am, the kitchen spotless, the bathrooms cleaned and the floors swept?? LOL, and the schools are even getting notes back on time and communications books written in. Gradually gradually, things are starting to come together.
Now its just a matter of finding a job thats suitable..I want to be home for the kids after school. It was costing us $200 a week for after school I was working a full day per week just to cover that cost. Hmmm...where to find the elusive dream job or to start a business of my own where I can work the hours that are suitable for us.
Stef had another good day at school yesterday. She is working very well at the moment and concentrating well. Good to hear. I am going to go to the school sometime next week to show them her DS program and to try to get them to use it too. She still won't wear a helmet for her bike riding lesson at helmet no bike so she misses out. I think I will write a new social story for that and of course the public toilet issue. Will talk to the Occupational Therapist at the school....make a draft of it and then take it in with me when I go in.
Brent was a lot calmer yesterday.....certainly having rosters for computer times works for him. RULES RULE!
OK on with the work....need to do the accounting firm stuff ready for tomorrow's appointment! Music is blaring and I am in the mood for work!

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