Monday, February 21, 2011

Bucket lists, dreams and goals!

I have been drifting along for a while now....I realise its because my goals dreams and bucket lists really arent relevant to what I really want in life right now. Also that Im not feeling particularly creative. I think the biggest cause is the chaos that reigns supreme here. Im reactive rather than proactive. So my first task is to work like crazy around the house to get it into top a place where I am happy. Hey its not that bad...the floors are pretty clean, just that every other surface has the odd socks that accumulate.....oh and there is always yukky washing in the laundry. The next two weeks I am going to chose a hotspot each day and gradually clean them off. The next thing after that is to make a list of the changes I want to get rid of the furniture that I hate and perhaps look through op shops....maybe I can find new stuff without huge expense.
After spending time at a friends place helping out yesterday...Yes, I did go to the working bee....I realise that sometimes I just have to put myself out for other people....Its good for my soul to do things for others. So....I couldnt ask for help myself, but nor can I begrudge other people for having the guts to do so. I know I can do it for myself because I break tasks down to 15 minute blocks...and gradually they get done. Another thing I realised yesterday is just how hard and effectively I have fought for my kids. We have achieved what others have not, and I fight like mad at every injustice.
Anyway, time for a new week...a pretty busy council meeting tonight, meetings at barwon valley school, work of course will be flat out as its end of month already but most of all, creating a peaceful home for my beautiful husband and kids.
When Steve is away, I just feel the place falls apart...he is always doing little things to keep me up to date..the odd load of washing, clean up of the kitchen, adjudication in kids arguments, computer guru. He really is wonderful! I really appreciate everything that he does and know he helps whenever he can. I definitely made a good choice!~!

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