Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No regrets!

A little bit of gratefulness today for the things I have in life.
I live my life with no regrets. Yes I have been lucky to find a wonderful man and love in my life. Sometimes our life is tough, but together we get through and it never seems too hard. How lucky I am to have someone who loves me, supports me on my journey, encourages me to be the best I can be and has always respected me as a person. I know he would never hurt me physically or emotionally. Having him in my life gives a silver lining to any cloud. I'm not saying that we never have cross words, but arguments never descend to the personal degradation of each other. Basically we fight fair. I have never regretted one second of the last 22 years, even with the crazy roller coaster that autism has brought into our lives.
Starting to get it together with planning our trip to Spain..Oh its going to be a trip! Hopefully the details will all sort out smoothly. I'm looking at flying out on the 20th May to London, spending 4 days there, then heading to Barcelona for a few days and then driving down the coast of Spain with Steve maybe..still looking at that part. It will be an amazing trip.
One thing that losing friends has taught me in the last couple of months is that there are no guarantees..that we need to live today as a precious day for who knows what tomorrow brings.
Brent had his English SAC yesterday. I think he did all right....he really is amazing. Got the report from the OT specialist yesterday..she has put him at 1% on his handwriting speed....that means that 99% of his peers can write faster than he can. He has the writing ability under a 7 year old. Isnt it then amazing that he has reached VCE without any consideration by the school, no extra time on assessment tasks and no extra help taking notes. Isnt it amazing too that he has got marks easily at the top of his class, that he wrtoe enough to get the marks. His story is pretty inspirational.
Jack had his first Drumming lesson last night. I'm not sure how enthusiastic he is about it at this stage, but I think with a bit of time, and having a lovely young guy teaching him who is incredibly cool....I think he will grow to love it. The thing about being a drummer is that they can use the energy, constantly moving. Perfect for the ADHD kid!! He can really lay into the drums as hard as he likes...which hopefully will get rid of the agression.
Stef is a little frustrating at the moment. She will not leave her shoes on at all at the moment. I bought her new shoes last week, and already the back of them are wrecked..I really dont know what the solution is on this one.
Anyway, a busy day and then Parent/Teacher interviews with Jacks Teacher.

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