OMG time goes so fast....Brent turns 17 years old today!! I look back at the hard work, the blood sweat and tears and the pure joy he has bought us. How much he changed our lives is unfathomable. From the pure joy at having a beautiful baby boy who really was a great baby, even though he was a little large at birth....a whopping 12 lb 1 and 1/2 ounces...a starving baby who after 2 months was just too hungry to breast feed. From the post natal depression which almost drove me to the edge...Its scary to stand on the edge of your life and make a decision to live or die. I chose life. From the slow realisation that my baby just wasnt responding in the same way as his peers and the speech that just wouldnt come. The pure frustration of his behaviours which everyone around me said was normal, but truly werent. The joy when he finally started speaking which happened pretty quickly once he started and now we cant shut him up. The frustration of primary school, and not getting the help he needed and the battle with the education department to get him an aide. The joy at his emergence like a butterfly of a keen mind which was like a sponge and still is. The bullying in early high school was unmerciful and the pain I felt as a mother when I just couldnt alter the school culture of popularity and beauty over diversification. And finally ihis emergence as the brainy kid who has the world at his feet.......he really can do whatever his heart decides.
Wow, we have come such a long long has been a bumpy journey full of twists and turns and great views, great joys and great sadness along the way.
Happy Birthday darling boy....
Well its the end of financial an accountant...its the start of a time of great demand. I have lots to do in the next month or so. I am too going to apply for another new job today. Being a bit pickier about what I take now though.....25 hours is my more! There is no way possible that my family can function with me working more than that. We have proved that already. I am also going to apply for my CPA program. Yes a little studying but I want to formalise my training and move up the ladder a bit. Its like an insurance policy for this family as I dont want to feel as if we are at the mercy of Steve's company for income to certainly gives Steve peace of mind to know that I can work and get a pretty good income if worse comes to pass.
Jack and Stef are enjoying school holiday program. At least it keeps them active and makes Jack do more than just sit on the computer for two weeks. Stef though keeps putting her hands on the kids' heads and it is scaring some of the younger ones. We need to work on this...She is enjoying her time there and the carers have remarked how much more responsive she really is now. I told them to treat her like a normal child, to give her instructions to do and to not do everything for her. She is not a baby and shouldnt be treated like one. I think that her special school really doesnt expect enough of her. I expect her to do so much more at home now. Tidying her own room is our next aim. She should be responsible for cleaning up her own messes (hehe and there is a lot of mess she creates in there) and putting her own things in her room. I am also working on getting her to be more responsible for her own personal hygiene...bathing, shampooing her hair, cleaning her teeth etc. She did up buttons for the first time last week...we are raising the bar.
Now on to a busy day to get the kids to holiday program by a bit to do
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