Saturday, June 5, 2010

A lot of bookwork to do but nearly finished!

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! I stayed at work until nearly 9pm last night to catch up. Unfortunately when I started the work was piled up so I spent yesterday catching up. I can hardly wait until it is all under control so I can get into a better routine with it. I thrive on routine....knowing what needs to be done on a daily basis really helps me to concentrate on a higher level.....I just havent been in the position to be at that spot in this job. 1 more day catching up and I will be on top of it all.
I have about 30 hours of work sitting on my loungeroom floor tday. I cant wait for that to be finished either. And this morning I pick up about 10 more hours of work from a client with the accounting firm. Its gonna be a big week to get through it all. At least I can see the end.
This last couple of weeks have been difficult to say the least I have had huge commitments with work and with the kids...I havent put any time into me apart from meditation in the mornings and my writing. Writing is a release.....its a way for me to put it all into perspective and a time to plan out my time.
Life is flat out......and using my time the best I can is the only way I will get through it all.
On a good note, I lost about 1.8 kgs this week I think....will know today when I go to Jenny Craig. I am easily wearing a size 12 now (thats a US size 8) and my jeans are actually getting loose...woohooo. 15 kg to go. Losing the weight has certainly changed my self esteem a lot. Its great to walk into any shop and know that I can buy....previously I would go into a shop and ask if there were any sizes big enough. Im still 80kg, so still too heavy, but a lot of people are saying I dont need to lose any more....BOOhoo to them....the doctor says it will be better for me to be in the middle of my healthy weight range...less risk of diabetes that way and having had gestational diabetes, my risk level is high enough. My blood sugar levels have gone down from a fasting level of nearly 9 to a nice 5.3 as of yesterday.With a bit more weight off it should come down even more...I am so pleased. The doctor said it was likely that I would have been an insulin dependent diabetic within 2 that isnt likely at all long as I can keep the weight off. Thats the reason I have signed up to Jenny Craig for the next 7 years... I can't afford to put the weight back on.
Busy morning Jenny craig at 8, buy school jumper for Brent, drop the school holiday program booking into the council offices, drop the cash box off to Rainbow club, Pick up the work from the client and set up a meeting for later in the month, come home here and pick up Steve and the kids to go shopping for birthday presents and computer games for Jack and food, to Rainbow club at 2 for swimming and work as treasurer there, and then drop Melinda to Leopold for a birthday party......No rest for the wicked hey!! Not to mention keeping the washing machine running and tidy the house a bit lol...and give Stef her laxatives after swimming....I must not forget!!
I really must write it all in my I dont forget a bloody thing. If it isnt written down it just doesnt get memory is stuffed!! Its an ADHD thing....sometimes I feel as if I am just so stupid, but after being diagnosed, I realise that its just the way my mind works at a million miles an hour and just jumps from thing to thing. Some benefits to it though is boundless energy. I find it is worse now that I have lost the weight too....I just seem to have this huge amount of energy. At work, about every 2 hours, I have to get up and walk for a about 5 minutes to get rid of the really strong jittery feeling....the feeling that I just have to move all the time. My legs shake and my muscles just get twitchy and I find I am constantly moving them. In some ways getting a diagnosis was great because at least now I know my own personality trait enough to be able to harness it for good, and not waste as much time with perfectionism and changing constantly between jobs. I certainly am not as restless.

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