Monday, September 13, 2010

A couple of valuable lessons!

The last week was nothing short of difficult. Putting it was crap! I have seen the worst in some people, but I have also seen the very best of others, including myself. It also spelled out to me what is just so important and why.
I had a huge weekend. Had Rainbow club on saturday and on the way home, hit a pot hole and blew a funny. I pulled over, and Jack in his drama queen ways goes, "Oh, who is going to save us" I said...Jack, No one will save us, we have to save ourselves mate. I proceeded to get the spare out of the boot, the jack and the tools...and no sooner had put the jack under the car, but a truck pulled up, a bricklayer got out, and a man came along and just said...Move over, I will do this and have you back on the road in no time. Its good to know that I could save myself, but that other people cared enough to step many times I have stepped in to help others......I guess it was my turn. Anyway, we got on our way, and I hit the corner just near home and realised that I had a second flat tyre. Damn Damn Damn!
On Saturday though at Rainbow club, I met a man from Werribee who is wanting to help start a club there. He was interesting and is also involved in a volunteer run respite care house which he says that Stef would enjoy so much. It runs on a slightly different line to DHS houses, there is one trained staff member, but the rest of helpers are volunteers, there are no permanent residents (always at DHS houses there are one or two because of families who cant cope with their behaviour). This house is run on money donated by businesses and volunteers. WOW!
Anyway, on Saturday night we went to the pub and danced the night away and got home at 1am. I then got in the car, and went to the Rainbow Club Swimathon to get into the pool at 2am. I swam until nearly 5am. Oh dear, muscles are so sore now! I kept moving the whole time I was in the water and I was told that I probably swam more that 5 km and after dancing as well and little sleep, lets just say Im tired and sore...At the swimathon though, we had a blind marathon swimmer. He was just awesome and it was a pleasure to meet him. I was talking to him on Sunday, thanking him for making the effort to help us in our swimathon to raise money...and he pointed out to me, that hey.....I swam 3 hours, and helped with the organisation of it all and that he thought that was marvelous in itself and that he really got why it was so important to me personally. I want all special needs kids to have swimming lessons...drowning is a real risk with children obssessed by water but not having the safety skills drilled into them. He really got that.
Today I am without a car as Steve has taken my tyres this morning to be replaced. Stephanie was throwing up yesterday and so Im not sending her to school today. The other kids will just have to walk.
Steve spent the weekend doing washing.....trying to catch up on all the stuff that I couldnt get done last week. It was the week that was. He really is marvelous!

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