Yesterday I had a run in with our electricity company and won. You see, they had taken two payments this month for our electricity. We usually have a monthly direct debit because our power bills are astronomical. The usual repayment was taken out, and then two days later, another payment much higher was taken out. I pleaded my case, and explained that the company would look like absolute assholes if I took it to the media having 3 autistic kids in the house. I got my way, the second payment should be reversed by the end of the day today!
I'm having a good old declutter at the moment and a spring clean. One room at a time. On the weekend it was the lounge room.....OMG, the amount of crap in here was huge and then I scrubbed the walls and gave the carpet a shampoo. It looks like a new room. Today I am working on my laundry...the accumulator of all gross crap in the house not to mention my fabric stash. I really must make a concerted effort to go through it and toss any pieces that I cant see myself using. There is about 5 boxes of fabric.
I have heaps of work to do too.....with Michelle coming over so often, I really have been slacking off on my casual work. Steve is going away for the rest of the week, so I think I will put a huge week in on it to get it out of my and night until it is finished..time to get my ducks in a row.
I am gradually becoming a bit better at organising my shit...and maintaining my focus on the job at hand. The house is still a mess, but it didnt get dirty overnight, so its not getting clean overnight either. You can't clean clutter and there certainly is a lot of that right now.....both clutter in the house and clutter in the mind.
Anyway, on with the day!
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