Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 19 of my 100 day challenge

Ok, today is day 19 of this challenge. By starting a challenge on October 1, I finish the day of my birthday!

This whole challenge this time is about tidying up my life....finishing unfinished business and taking care of myself so much better.

I am in the process of losing 50 kg. I have so far lost nearly 40, but gained back 5kg in the last month or two. I got very bored with Jenny Craig food and not to mention the expense. Today I decided that I wouldnt do Jenny Craig any more, but would instead use healthier food and exercise instead. I am the only one responsible for my own health and well being. Heres to getting back on track.

I will have stopped smoking by the end of this challenge. Hopefully very soon. On day 1, I started on a drug called Champix which apparently stops cravings. For me, I had a massive anxiety reaction to the drug. It was very scary. Under doctors orders, I was told to cease taking it, and then in a couple of weeks try again using more conventional nicotine replacement.

Currently, I am way to involved in charity work and committees. My aim for this challenge is to simplify my life. So, one of them needs to go. I currently do about 5-8 hours a week on Rainbow club, and as much as I love the organisation, I really feel that I have done my bit on a far more consistant basis than any other member. Its time to put my family first.

I have 3 kids on the autism spectrum. I really need to find more time in my every day to give them far more of my undivided attention. Brent next year is in his VCE (like graduation year) and will need more support. Stef is on the verge of puberty and is learning lots of new things which I would really like to capitalise on. Jack just needs more time. Melinda also needs more time. Its time to clear my decks so that I can help my children in a more valuable way.

I will also be finishing up some work so that my timetable is clearer.

I am also striving to get more support for Stef. Its time to ask for more help and get as much support as I can. Its a good idea to get Stef used to the many support organisations that are available, such as residential respite etc.

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