I had to go off champix yesterday. Major reaction to the stronger dose made me feel so incredibly anxious and I had about 10 panic attacks. Panic attacks are awful. My heart was racing, I had the wooshing of blood in my neck and a really bad feeling all over. I stopped taking them yesterday morning and gradually I am starting to improve. The pain in my chest is getting less too. I rang the doctor yesterday and he advised to get off them straight away, and then to use alternative methods to give up smoking starting later next week when this should be out of my bloodstream.
Isnt the rescue of the miners in Chile just awesome! One by one they are bought to the surface and with each one a story.
Steve is home again.....thank goodness. I am so sick of him being away. I really don't sleep as well when he is not here, and of course Brent behaves a lot better when he is here.
Got our massive powerbill yesterday...OMG, $1400! We are just changing electric companies to one with a lesser rate and more discounts. We will sit down on the weekend and trim the bills somehow. We have a fridge in the shed that can go off.....and a freezer which we either need to fill up or turn off. Will also be putting Jack on the powerbill...then we can get the disability rebate which will help for Summer and Winter bills.
I have to ring Jack's Paed today. The longer lasting Ritalin really is having very little affect on his behaviour. Our previous tablets (4 hourly) were so much better. The school has asked to go back to the tablets so I need to get a new script for them. Even Jack says the capsules dont work at all.
Have to retreat the kids for the bugs today too. Hopefully, fingers crossed.....this is it!
Anyways...on with the day......work today.
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