Friday, April 8, 2011

Parent Teacher Interviews......FRUSTRATION

Had Brent's Parent/Teacher interviews last night....PURE FRUSTRATION.
Frustration from all the teachers. All of them said....Brent is capable of being an A+ student..academically brilliant mind, but he just isnt doing enough work. His disorganisation is letting him down big time and he is just purely LAZY. I had one teacher who was almost in tears as she can see this beautifully talented mind, but can see him stuffing it all up. His legal teacher was so angry with him he could barely talk to us. Bloody kid!!
How can I get through to this's only 20 more weeks.he needs to put in big them what he is truly capable of. Not only that, that he truly won't be happy doing menial work for the rest of his life and that Uni will be so great for him. Great because he will find people of like mind, will find friends that truly understand him as a person, stimulates his mind and puts him in a path for success at whatever he choses to do.
I have so much work to do with him over the holidays....time to get him totally organised..set up a better study environment in the house where I can see that he is working and not just mucking around on the internet in his room. I need to make sure I see his SAC work, before he hands it in and I need to make sure that I know when all the SACS are due so I can keep him on track for success.
Sometimes I feel that he is still a toddler and Im having to spoon feed him.
Tomorrow is Kieran's funeral..I just can't go.....its all a bit close to home for me. I've turned my grief into the will to fight for the GPS systems...its what I can do, to prevent this happening again.
Anyway, its the last day of term for these darlings. MJ and Brent are going to have to look after the others on the days that I work during school holidays, but apart from plans at this stage.

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