Sitting in a little back garden in a cafe in Greenwich. looking up at the tiny windows and the brickwork and just imagining the history that these little yards could tell. My family were seafarers as were some members of Steve's. Who knows, maybe they were here so many years ago.
I have been blown away by the history. Everywhere I look is history. Places I have heard of, events in time that I have read about. What also strikes me, is that the monuments arent kept away from the people. In Trafalgar Square it was so wonderful to watch people climbing all over the brass lions. It was as if they belonged. Took a ferry down the river. Great move. You get a real sense of a colorful past. I can just imagine my great grandfather arranging his crew in one of the many hotels in Greenwich and had a drink to his history in the Greenwich hotel,
Had a good laugh with some rugby players from south Africa taking photos of an old telep hone booth and I dared them to see how many people they could cram 7 big guys all with faces pressed up against the glass! Ended up going to the Sherlock Holmes hotel and being shouted my first pint of English beer. I still think it would taste better cold!!
They wanted me to conti nue on in their pub crawl, but alas I want to see so much!
Went to the o'oo line. Heaps of. People gathering there in case the world ends...what a load of crockshit.
trying to ring Peter, but I don't know quite how the numbers work here
So willq go and ask at the concierge. ALways sirens going but expected as its a major road.
Absolutely perfect weather all day, just so clear and warm. The best day!
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