Sunday, April 15, 2012

I realise that travelling solo has changed me.

Last night, a lovely friend gave me two tickets to a show at the Comedy Festival in Melbourne at short notice. I decided stuff it I will go and you know, the prospect of being on my own didnt phase me. I drove to Melbourne, found a car park (a whole other story) and wandered down to the theatre. I was early so I grabbed a cider and started chatting to these people a bit younger than myself. They were good people....two of them were up and coming comedy performers and the other a friend who they were hoping to also get into the show (performers get free tickets to any shows)..I ended up offering my spare ticket to the friend. The show was great, and the tickets were good..almost centre second row. The young man was very grateful for his seat just a very chatty nice young person. Had a quick beer with him and his friends before we parted company.
Went to Sofitel for a quick coffee..quick lol, 2 hours later and Im still there. Ended up being coopted into a table of 3...a merchant banker from the uk and two girls from sydney, all around my age. One girl was a hairdresser newly separated after 30 years of marriage and the other a married without kids career girl who was a management specialist. So many different conversations happened. Chats about managment theories (was digging back into my memory for my uni management stuff) and how redundancies in a company cause people to feel threatened and no amount o fmoney will changed their level of satisfaction with their jobs if they feel unstable. We talked about mariage and kids..All in all it was great company. I must have needed the adult conversation.
What does surprise me now though is that Im not afraid of being alone...not scared of breaking into conversations with people where previously I was very hesitant to do so. And just think....I have another 6 new friends!

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