I won't say that the last three weeks has been easy. I feel as if my heart is in Steve's hands the whole time he has been away. I trust him with all my heart, its other women that I don't trust.
In case you don't know, we have chosen to have separate holidays due to the fact that we cannot get extended respite care for Stef. We can't do it together right now, and after losing some great friends, we also realise that we can't put off doing some of the things that we really want to do with our lives. Life is too short and too tenuous to put things off..and you never want to leave the earth with regrets. This month has been Steve's turn away...3 weeks in the West Indies, mainly to see cricket, but a lot of partying in beach bars and swimming. I would never say that it has been easy..after all, lots of beautiful women, far more beautiful than I am....skimpy bikinis etc. I trust him, but I know too that some women target a married man. It really has been the ultimate exercise in trust and strength in our marriage as I guess me going to Italy on my own will be.
It is with such relief that I know he is on his way home, and that his love for me is as strong as it ever was and that he is recharged for life, love and challenges. I miss him so much...23 years and still going strong...and thats saying something in this world of love em and leave em, especially when you have extra challenges in life like ours. Love you Stevo!
Janine- I hear you. Terry and I have separate holidays also but for once last year we were able to have respite care for Brandon in Champagne Crt for 3 weeks and we were able to travel to Europe together. 2009 I travelled to Europe by myself for the same reason as yourself and you know in our position although you miss each other so much, being away I was able to regroup and focus more clearly on my direction in life and Steve will have found it this time and you when you travel to Italy. Terry and I have been married for 22 years, hardly get the chance to talk and yet when we get that rare opportunity to be together and talk, we can. You and Steve are inspirational!