Thursday, May 10, 2012

Disability funding in Victorian schools SUCKS

Mr Baileu is a disgusting individual and his government one of the most uncaring pack of bastards that I have ever seen in my years. Autism is a huge problem in our society...the numbers of these kids coming through is huge, and I understand that the education system is struggling to cope with that. As an accountant, yes, I do understand all that, but I do see the other side and it sucks big time. I know that criteria has always been tight to get funding for autism in our schools. We struggled with Brent as by the time he hit primary school, his speech had got above the cut off point for funding under autism criteria. He was still very autistic and the teachers struggled to cope with his behaviours. He spent around 80% of his time in the principal's office doing his work as his teachers could not cope with him (thanks Mr Candy!). At grade 2 level, I stood outside his classroom for an that time, I heard the teacher yell his name at least 40 times, I even heard her say to him, "are you mental" "are you retarded" ...Lets just say that incensed me to get funding for him at any cost. I went into battle, and finally in grade 3 3rd term, we got it under the Severe Behaviour criteria. He got it again when reassessed at grade 6 after having several major fights in the playground and breaking a couple of windows....go Brent...did yourself huge favours in doing that as now you had an aide all through High school. With help, and lots of understanding, help and perseverence at home, he made it through secondary school and got into Uni where he is excelling at a level that we would never have dreamed of for our Moderate/Severe autistic boy. Under todays tightened criteria, we would not have got funding at all for any help and he probably would have been expelled for behaviour reasons, as because he has an autism diagnosis, he could not apply under severe behaviour criteria. Jack hasnt even been allowed to apply for funding...he just doesnt fit the criteria for autism now his speech has improved. It doesnt mean he is any less autistic than he always was. He still has uneven learning, behind his peers by at least 2 years on testing in some areas, writes like a prep grader, shows extreme frustration, has little concentration span, has social difficulties and due to lack of executive function cannot organise himself at all. How on earth is he going to cope with high school with zero support. He isnt the worst case of this by a long who previously have been eligible for special school due to low iq, who test at 71 at grade 6, and who have speech at a 71 mark, will be sent to mainstream schools with no aides or supports, regardless of behavioural issues! This is a generation of autistic children destined for failure by a system and a government that just doesnt care. These are the dole recipients of the future, untrained, pushed through school regardless of ability, thats if we can keep them at school, bullied and no one cares. I worked out that for every child who gets through the system without having got lifeskills or training for work will be on welfare 3%cpi on current Newstart payments, that will cost $3.9 million over the course of their life..surely its better to spend a little to help them get trained. The Victorian state government fail....where is the right to education here......there is none.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100% Janine and my concern is that a lot of young people like Brent who perhaps remained violent end up in our gaol system with no special consideration for their autism.This is unfortunately the reality with also a lot ending up using marijuana and harder drugs to help them cope better. Schools are able to expel these 'difficult' children who cannot follow the code of conduct- and then what happens? A lot of one on one attention earlier in life can stop a myriad of difficulties later on in life- and then take into account the siblings and parents who suffer seeing their loved one's suffer due to an incompetent system. Not good enough!
