Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Things are looking up

After having some bad news from Carer Respite, saying that we couldnt get any residential care for Stef so steve could meet me in france, I decided to think outside the square. I have a few friends who could use some extra money, so why not ask if they would be interested. At this stage, I have a beautiful lady who has given a tentative yes! OMG, I am so excited that Steve and I will have a week together in France! I am also very happy that the NDIS is being rolled out! With the NDIS, there will be a fairer distribution of services with a bit of luck. For so long we have done it all on our own with no supports. It has been difficult at times and it saddens me that so many just dont get the help they need while others seem to get it all. It isnt even dependent on how disabled the person is, or how well they cope, just who they happened to have as case managers..that just sucks. We couldnt even get a weekend of respite care for stef for a whole year...OK, getting Stef back on DHS waiting list. Yesterday I started cleaning out MJs many of her clothes just dont fit any more....we really need to gradually replace stuff, especially casual clothes and shoes. Looking forward to work today...its nice to step away and think about other stuff for a really is a sanity break.

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