Saturday, May 29, 2010

The final week of pushing myself to the limit!

I have so much stuff to do in the next week. Its really crazy at the real estate office. So much to do right now with end of month at the real estate office, but I think I am handling it. The boss really gets what a steep learning curve I have been on and is amazed how quickly I have picked things up. I cant wait until I can get into a routine with it all so that I am not always just putting out the fires.
Up early this morning doing washing and stuff just to keep the house ticking along. I really should ask Susan to come in to give it a thorough cleaning. She could do with the money and quite frankly we could do with the help. Marie is great. She does a lot of day to day stuff when she is here. She never sits still that woman.
I went for a drive in my new car last night. I think I am going to love it. It is very similar to drive to my old lazer. Im especially going to love not paying for so much petrol. I can't wait until its light so I can really have a look at the color and stuff. She already has a name painted on the side "Demon" so I guess that will be her name. The kids really don't get the whole naming of inanimate objects lol. They did like the car when we drove it last night and Brent will be able to learn to drive in it.
I have to work for a while tomorrow at the supermarket. I need to do the final payout of staff and superannuation. I can't wait until that job is totally finished. My total focus needs to be on my new job and it will be so nice to only be working at the office without taking stuff home.
I am so enjoying my new job. The people are great and apparently I have made a big difference to the company in the happiness of the office environment. I know I have a huge sense of team.....that we all play our part to make a firm successful and that we work together for the good of the whole. I still can't get over the boss buying a huge box of fruit for the staff each week to eat during the day. He says we can all do with the extra vitamins and it cuts down on sick days. It must be working for him because no staff had any sick days for the last month. Its kind of strange for me to have a boss who constantly asks whether I am ok. In all my working life, I have never been asked. I guess thats his management style and he gets more out of us simply because he cares. Its great to be honest with him about work load and learning curves and stuff. He totally gets it and appreciates efforts.
I had an hour long conversation with the nurse from Stef's special school yesterday. I finally made them understand that Stef has a long history of bowel issues and that we are working on it constantly. They really don't get it that as parents, we don't wring our hands and go woe is me, but try like hell to sort stuff out.
Stef went to sovereign hill with her mainstream school yesterday and had a great day. She really copes well with most outings. It was sad putting a nappy on her for the day, but she has major issues with going to public toilets. Its an overwhelming fear of hand dryers. One day, she may overcome it, but in the meantime, a nappy is the go on these days. She will also have to be in a nappy for the school holiday program as she won't go to the toilet there either.
I must book her and Jack into the school hol I will send them both to the Newtown one as they are far more active and have a much better facility with the school playground and hall. They also go on more excursions and stuff to keep the kids occupied. The local one, has a small facility, no playground or oval to kick a footy and all the kids seem to do is watch movies. Jack says its as boring as batshit. He is keen to go to the one Stephanie has gone to all along. I used to send Stef to one, and Jack to the other so that Jack didnt have to be with his sister, but he has asked to go to her one too as when we picked her up one day, he had a bit of a play there and liked it. Will save on the rushing between the two as well, and its close to work.
Steve and Jack had a night away last night at Port Fairy with the angling club. I went to bed very early...8.45 and was asleep within minutes. Trying to make sure I rest enough to get through this next week of hell.
Anyway, on with the washing, hmm, got a Jenny craig appointment at 8. I may just cancel that to give me an extra hour or two. I really need to get this place cleaned up and organised for next week to make it a bit easier.

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