Thursday, May 20, 2010

So much happening

Life changes at a million miles an hour as always.
Today I was interviewed by Geelong Addy for a feature article on autism. I hope it is a good one. I hope also that I got the lack of support stuff across and how you really recieve less help than you should. He has read my this blog, I really hope it spells out what it was like at the early stages and the sort of stuff we overcome every day and the hopes and dreams we have for the future.
I do have a lot of hope for the future. Hope that Stef finds a way of communicating effectively, that Brent learns to work hard with goals for his future, that Jack finds his calling and that Melinda does well in whatever she choses. I have dreams of having a wonderful home for Stef to live as an adult. That we can travel and live a good fulfilling life.

The secondary school rang me today to arrange an emergency meeting. Of course not possible right now. They are concerned that Brent isnt handing the work in that he needs to and his attitude. He is so beligerant with me at the moment, so I can understand how he could be at school. We really need to read the riot act again and perhaps enforce stricter bedtimes for him for a while. Also apparently on the walk home from school yesterday, Jack fell over, not sure if Brent pushed him or not, but of course Jack threw a major hissy fit. This guy pulled over and started abusing brent, calling him a Pr^$ck and all sorts. I know that brent can be rather nasty to Jack, and jack isnt sure if his brother pushed him or not. Jack also is the major drama I am a bit annoyed that someone abused Brent for it when really he didnt see it, just Jack throwing his drama queen act. Ive seen it. Jack has no slightly annoyed stage....he flies automatically into this "the sky is falling" hissy fit. Anyone would think he was being killed if they stood outside our house right now. He is simply getting frustrated playing a game, but is screaming as if someone was killing him. Its frustrating as a parent to watch, and no matter how much we talk to him about it, it never changes. He is a bit better when he takes his ritalin, but he cant be on that 24 hours a day and he really needs to learn to cope with frustrations in life.
Melinda won in her badminton on Tuesday for the school team. Now they will go to the state level. Im so glad that she likes it. She has great hand eye coordination. I love playing badminton. Its a pity I cant still play, but I havent got the time or childcare to commit to a team. Oh and my knees may not cope with it now.
Jack had a great birthday. We had pizza and cake (hardly Jenny craig food) and we gave him a nintendo DSi. He was surprised as he knows that we dont usually spend that much on Birthdays,. We are having a kids party on saturday and the family bbq on Sunday.
I like having family birthday parties. Its good for the extended family to get here. The kids need their extended family around. I know its more work, but hey, there are things we do that are important for everyone.
Time to get the little darlings to bed...and me...its been a big day.

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