Monday, May 3, 2010


Its now day 3 of my 100 day challenge.
Now, if you have never heard of me talking of the 100 day challenge, it is a challenge to myself to live 100 days with intention. its easy to drift along in life, blaming everyone and everything but yourself for not achieving what you want to. Its easy to say, oh, I didnt do this because....or my lot in life precludes me from doing that. STOP.
Set the goals and break it down to little bits. Put the intention out into the universe and you will be amazed what happens.
My first 100 day challenge started in Dec 2007. At that stage, we had 4 kids living in a 13 square house....lets just say it was tiny cramped. I decided that I had to put it out there to move into a bigger house. We started working on the garden, then replaced the carpet. In my 2nd 100 day challenge which began in 1 March 2008, I really put it out there to find a house for us and to move. Within 10 days, a friend, real estate agent rang and said...Janine, you just have to come and look at this house again (we had seen it before but it was out of our price range). I came, and loved it just the same..Steve then came with me and loved it too. Then the crunch came.....could we really afford it. Being a mortgage broker, I did the sums....we couldnt quite make the asking price. Damn, so when the agent asked me, I said offhandedly, an offer of what we could afford with conditions of finance and the sale of our house.......The vendor accepted. OMG, it was such a shock. We had a month to sell our house. We got a storage shed, took all of our stuff out of the house to make it bigger and repainted. By the end of the Easter week, it was ready for inspection. The transformation amazed the real estate agent as she walked in the door......This isnt the same house she said. This is amazing. Prospective buyers filtered in. We had the house sold over our asking price within 24 hours!!We were on the move!!
I find when I live life with intention......amazing things may ask, why I don't it all the time. I find it draining sometimes. The constant pressure to make a difference every single day wears me down. If I did it all the time, I would get lazy and ambivalent. I usually do 3 per year....and try to follow it through to the end.
So again, My goals for this 100 days_
1. I have become a non-smoker again
2. I weigh 10kg less
3. I am successful in my new job and new opportunites have arisen from my success
4. I have accessed help for Stephanie and now get more respite care, more therapy and more medical treatment to help her overcome her bowel issues and speech issues
5. We have a solid and very loving relationship full of fun and enjoyment
6. I live consciously
7. I am more creative fulfilling both sides of my personality and have created some pieces which I am very proud of
8. We own another house
9. OUr vegetable garden is producing fresh brocoli, carrots and spinach

I find its better to ask for the results instead of being wishy washy, ie, instead of I will, its I have, I am, I own. It not up to my will, its up to the universe now.

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