Friday, May 21, 2010

I need a magic fairy!

I need a magic clean up fairy to visit my house, and my car! With working such long hours, its a struggle to keep up to all the mess that accumulates in this house. A person cannot work 24 hours a day 7 days a week, I get that, but it doesnt help the frustration of having so much to do and so little time to do it.
I slept in this I know that most people would not consider that a sleep in, but for me, thats an extra hour and a half. I needed it! The sleep bank is in severe overdraft and I can't wait to get some well earned rest soon.
I was thinking about the early days when Stef was young and how little sleep I lived on then. She would get up at 1am and party until 5am. I was so glad when we trained her to sleep through the night. She still occasionally does it, but now she doesnt turn on every light in the house and the television up really loud, she just quietly raids the pantry. (a whole new other problem when we find biscuits and shampoo all over her bed lol) She is so crafty and will find the key and stash it so she can get into it. Its upsetting too to find that she has eaten all the school lunch stuff and yet again you have to get to the shops to replace it.
I realised to, after speaking to the journalist just how my mental state has changed in the last 4 years. At first when the child is diagnosed, you go through this major grief thing. Grief that all the expectations, hopes and dreams for your child are blown away...grief that your life will never be simple like others seems to be, grief that this is a lifetime comittment to be totally there for your child when all your friends kids will grow to be independant. Then you go through this survival stage, when you are just surviving from day to day...never thinking about the overwhelming tomorrow and when you do you go into this depressive spiral. Then you have the entitlement stage, when you believe you are entitled to as much help as you can get, and get frustrated because it simply isnt there. Now my stage is back to living with hopes dreams and goals, with an eye to making the future as good as it can be without stressing how CHALLENGING it will be. (Hard is not a word I ever use...its so negative)
I have learnt that its never as hot as you cook it, and although things may seem difficult at the time, there is no point in worrying about it. Worrying doesnt change a thing...putting one foot in front of the other does. My mantra during the challenging times is "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" and "its hard to drain the lake when you are up to your ass in aligators". You have to knock off the alligators one by one. There is only one way to eat an elephant and that is to take cut it into bits. I know, they all sound a bit corny, but its just a matter of breaking down the problems into small enough bits to tackle and only think about the bit you are doing right now and putting one foot in front of the other.
Right now I could do with an extra 10 hours a day, but then it wont ever happen, so I just have to make the most of every minute.
Time to get the kids going..its Pyjama day at Lara Primary, hmm, wondering how Stef will cope with that.

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