Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A week of self imposed deadlines!

This week I am finishing the supermarket stuff once and for all. If I took a picture of my loungeroom right now, you would see neat piles of papers all over it. Its driving me insane....but today I will have it all filed neatly away in the boxes ready to piff out of my fricking house! I have about 8-10 hours to do..and then meet with them on Monday to hand it over.
Thursday I have work to do with my accounting firm client...and that will be almost the end of stuff for this financial year just gone. I will be so glad to get rid of this stuff that is hanging around my neck.
I am starting to get back into better routines...the mountain of washing has gone finally......6 load yesterday and 5 today! Thankgoodness its windy so it will all dry now that it is all hung out. The rest of the house is pretty neat and clean for once....except for the kids bedrooms and the paper covered lounge (thats where my office is).
Brent was in a really defiant shitty mood yesterday. He thinks he as a birthright being the oldest child gets everything he wants like the good computer all the time......sorry pal, it doesnt work that way. It gets a little scary when he pushes me around as he is 4 inches taller and about 30 kg heavier now. Lets just say I have a sore arm and and a bruise on my shin. Grr... Bloody kid. Sometimes there is just no reasoning with him. Doesnt help that I am a bit iratable at the moment too. Just not sleeping very well..maybe 4-5 hours a night at most.
Stef had a good day at school yesterday....very happy all day. She really needs that routine. She did a bit of stuff using her Nintendo program yesterday. I just need to adapt the file a bit more to put in the Australian idiosyncracies. IE..Vegemite...Lollies instead of candy...Chips instead of Crisps...Just little things. I also need to put in some school work choices so that they can use it at there as well.
Anyway....on with the work.....no rest for the wicked!!

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