Friday, May 11, 2012

Thinking outside the box

I had a pretty restless night last night...lay in bed for about 2 hours wide awake and ended up just getting up. So much crap is going around in my head about this funding stuff. Anyway, I decided to start thinking outside the square on this. Crying to politicians isn't working, so many families visit their local member and get no where why? There is nothing in their bleats that refers to other kids, nothing that refers to health and occupational safety of teachers, nothing about how the schools are funding disabilities out of general funds and so all kids are dipping out. Its time to look at it all from a different angle....time to look at how we can sell a solution and be more creative with what can be done. Its time to put a human face to our kids rather than just numbers on pages. Its time to get the teachers union to help us, its time to sell it to every other parent of every other kid in our classrooms. Ok, so how. My marketing expertise (LOL, 2 units at university) tells me that it needs to be positive, it needs to be personal, it needs to have solutions to the problem, it needs to show not only our kids difficulties, but the teachers and the other children. It needs to put faces to the numbers...but most of all, it needs to be positive so that the politicians continue to watch. I think I might try to get teachers to write me letters telling me of their frustrations, anonymously if they like, maybe talk to schools about how they can cope financially with the extra burden without any increase to budgets, its time to make this a bigger campaign. This isnt about fighting for Jack any more....we will somehow get Jack through in one piece. We have a loving supportive home, parents who will obviously help him on his way and parents with experience in all this as we have been there before. He is lucky. Today I am having a meeting between primary school and the high school to develop a plan to integrate him into high school, to reduce the amount of stress he faces. Its better to be proactive.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janine,
    Funding is keeping me awake at night lately too! I have Miss4 off to kindergarten next year. She is Autistic.
    I am in the process of writing a submission to our local member, who I met recently at a meeting where he was talking about the Gonski Review- have you heard of it? Now is a good time to get in the ear of our politicians, because they are working through this review and making new policy on how funding for children with disabilities in schools is going to be handled in the future. I am writing from a parents perspective about all the things that haven't worked in the past for us and other families we know, and making suggestions of things they could consider to improve the access to funding specifically for Autistic children in mainstream classrooms. If you have time to do the same, now is a good time to do it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi. It's good to meet others out there dealing with the same issues I am!
    Michelle (This is not what I signed up for)
